960 Harbor Dr. - Key Biscayne, FL
2019 -
Development Project, Ongoing
Perched on sand flats about a mile away from the Cape Florida lighthouse. The site is located in Key Biscayne which has a tropical savanna climate and we wanted the architecture to capitalize on the Florida fresh air and sunshine, embracing The spirit of the Caribbean as a mark for the contemporary lifestyle, integrating the fluidity of outdoors and indoors spaces.
The roof garden terrace acts as a room without walls, reflecting the desire to fully integrate landscape and architecture.The juxtaposition and coexistence of spaces effectively frame the views outside, bringing outside inside generating dynamism of space.These spaces become connected with the sculptural stairs that are intended to provide a gradual movement between levels.
While The overhangs act as a passive environmental feature used to keep the building’s thermal mass in the shade while contributing to the architectural identity. The color glass becomes a spatial strategy in homage to Luis Barragan and his yellow glass corridor at Casa Gilardi giving reverence for the mystery and power of color to elevate the human experience.
The house and stiltsville are sufficiently far from each other to seem utterly isolated, yet they share a similar volumetric language that forges a sense of community and in that way it becomes part of stiltsville.